Code of Conduct
Status: 03.11.2023
1 Introduction:
We see everything we do in the context of our company as a collaboration of interpersonal thinking, working and striving. Our corporate culture is therefore based on integrity, respect, cooperation and excellence.
This Code of Conduct serves as a guide for all employees, business partners and suppliers to ensure that we conduct our business activities ethically, transparently and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
2. occupational safety:
All our employees have the right to a safe and healthy working environment. We therefore comply with the relevant national regulations and standards. Ensuring fair working conditions and health and safety in the workplace are an integral part of our corporate culture.
Every employee is entitled and obliged to immediately report suspected deficits in occupational safety to their line manager or colleagues.
We integrate the consideration of recognized safety standards and preventive measures for hazardous risks into our company information and safety management system.
3. integrity and honesty, compliance :
We are committed to the highest level of integrity in all our actions and business practices. However, every employee should also act honestly, transparently and ethically and ensure that all activities associated with the company meet the highest moral and ethical standards.
We are committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations and standards in all countries and communities in which we operate. Employees are required to inform themselves about the relevant legal requirements and to act accordingly.
We act with integrity in our business relationships with others and also expect our business partners to comply with the law. This attitude is also decisive for our selection criteria with regard to our suppliers.
4. responsibility and sense of duty:
Every employee is required to take responsibility for their actions and to fulfill their duties conscientiously. We strive to use our resources efficiently and promote sustainable practices in order to make a positive contribution to cooperation, society and our natural environment.
5. respect and human rights:
We treat all people with respect and dignity, regardless of their position, gender, race, nationality, religion or other personal characteristics.
Discrimination, harassment or any form of inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
We are committed to respecting human rights and the relevant labor laws and try to work positively towards their enforcement throughout the entire value chain. We therefore define child and forced labor as an irrevocable taboo.
6. Diversity and inclusion:
We value and promote diversity and inclusion because we believe that different perspectives and backgrounds lead to innovative ideas and better performance. We promote the compatibility of work and family life. Every employee should feel accepted and supported in our community.
7. data protection and confidentiality - protection of intellectual property:
We protect the confidentiality of all business information and personal data. Employees are required not to disclose or use confidential information without authorization and to ensure that all information is kept secure.
We undertake to handle business and personal data in strict confidence and to process it only in accordance with the aforementioned criteria. We observe the obligation to treat data as strictly confidential both during and after the termination of an employment relationship.
In our company, the confidential handling of information or image documents handed over in trust - secretly copyright and intellectual property in design ideas, coupled with technical know-how - is a highly sensitive issue.
As a company that plays a key role in design, the protection of intellectual property is of major importance to our business policy.
Protected intellectual property is defined as all products of intellectual work, regardless of their commercial value. This includes technical or design templates and developments, graphic works and software as well as their components.
Intellectual property is protected by law (e.g. by copyright, trademark or patent rights) or as a trade secret.
8. environmental awareness:
We are committed to environmentally friendly business practices. Employees are encouraged to use resources consciously, reduce waste and support measures to improve our environmental impact.
We focus on energy efficiency by consciously using energy, switching to renewable energy sources and using energy-efficient technologies to minimize our consumption.
We respect the environment and try to minimize our impact on it. Strict compliance with the relevant legal regulations and standards on environmental protection is therefore essential for us.
We recognize that compliance with this Code of Conduct, particularly with regard to environmental aspects, is critical to having a positive impact on the environment and contributing to the creation of a sustainable future.
9. conflict resolution:
Conflicts should be resolved in a constructive and cooperative spirit. Employees are encouraged to communicate concerns or conflicts openly and seek solutions that are in the best interest of the company and all parties involved.
10. reporting of violations:
Employees are required to report potential violations of this Code of Conduct. We therefore encourage our employees to raise issues openly and without fear of reprisal. The company undertakes to protect the courage of those who draw attention to possible grievances and to ensure that all reports are treated confidentially.
Compliance with this Code of Conduct is essential for all employees to ensure a positive working environment and the success of our company.